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Rainbow Chocobugs combo
Board:Garden Setup Help
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Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

I have just found a problem with the chocobugs, I have the rainbow crescent in garden. My combo is L - Crescent, M - loop and R - crescent. Left or right should be either orange or indigo with the rainbow and I have tried the rainbow in both places and gotten red and blue with yellow for the middle. So obviously I have right shape combo, its just the colours I need to work out for the other 2 but why have I not gotten either orange or indigo with the Rainbow Crescent

is there some glitch with bugs or candy atm?

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

[Post deleted by author]

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

Might I add, the food out now has been there since the candies have been in that order so the red is for the orange crescent, yellow for the loop and blue for the rainbow crescent.

I have tried rainbow in Left and it also was red

Peta and Prairie2 months, 1 week ago

Difficult to say Sue - where I have run into issues is where I have changed the position and the critter has been programmed before I moved shapes or literally just as I changed positions so giving a false negative so to speak - you may want to contact support to recheck the rainbow combo for you or they will be the only ones who can check if there is a glitch.

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

the food out now has been there since the positions were set, they have not moved as per my second message

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

should I say, AFTER the positions were set

Peta and Prairie2 months, 1 week ago

Yep - I noted that but because can’t see what happened before you moved positions on previous plate is difficult to know what happened - I would contact support in this case to check your combo as from the garden info can’t tell what may have happened.

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

Maybe not explained clear enough, the positions were set, then food out as it is so the red is for the orange crescent, blue if for the rainbow crescent and the previous plate of organic food I had out when I had rainbow on the left and orange on the right was also a red bug visit.

So, I have had a red bug visit with rainbow on left and right . Middle is the loop, orange to be precise, when I find a correct fatr bud as they seem to have disappeared to for the past 2 days since hunting for them.

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

and I have emailed support too to ask. thank you

Sue and Maggie Moo2 months, 1 week ago

anyone else had this issue of late?
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