[Last updated 252 days ago]
Born OnOctober 12th (age: 12 years, 9 months)
Human's NameDouglas
Sprinkle Gold 


Cath and Belaine1 day ago

Hi John
Sending love and warm hugs xx

Kathleen and Igraine3 days, 5 hours ago

Hi John, thanks for your message.  I wish there was something I could do to help you feel happier.  I know that grief can pin you down and open up wounds that take a long time to scab over.  Forgive me if I'm getting out of place but are there any grief support groups in your area or even that meet virtually? Maybe it would help to have a group of people with similar experiences to talk to.  I know the thing with the therapy dog didn't work out but what about adoping an older (less energetic) dog or cat?  I know that here, the older ones are so hard to find homes for and they're so grateful.  I adopted a 12 year old cat once and I know he was so happy to no longer be in a cage, even though he only had 3 years with me, I know they were happy times for both of us
Take care-

Kathleen and Igraine6 days, 3 hours ago

Hi John,  sorry to be slow in replying but I've been keeping busy.  Hope you are feeling better and get news about the surgery soon.  You are so right about getting older.  I am not totally crazy about it- my eyes get worse, I walk into a room and forget why, I ache all over when I get up, sigh.   We've had beautiful weather lately but now it's getting a bit humid. Ugh.   Tomorrow I am going antiquing with a friend and next month two friends of mine are coming up from Texas to visit me for a couple of days.   Also I am very excited for the Olympic Games to start, I love watching that.
Take care, hugs and lots of love!

Cath and Belaine6 days, 9 hours ago

Hi John x  hope you've been ok with  the heat it can be draining . Hope you've taken  it easy like you said.
I'm late on here today been catching up with the washing after being away with Ged ( he was working near Nottingham). Any way
got it back in before the heavy rain this evening
It's stopped now so should be cooler to sleep
Sending love to you from all of us
Take care my friend x

Cath and Belaine1 week, 1 day ago

Update from Frank my grandson the ice cream  🍦 was yummy and he had a great school day out at the ice cream farm xxx

Cath and Belaine1 week, 1 day ago

Hi John x hope you are able to get out at some point and enjoy the sunshine. It must be difficult  with your painful back and leg. I hope you get some news about your operation soon.
Ged is working away this week I've gone with him and we are about 13 miles outside Nottingham.
I found a local park yesterday it is lovely has a large lake and an area cordoned off for the nesting birds saw a heron moorhens and duckingd . I'm going back today as it's near by and the sun is shining !
You are in my thoughts sending love and hugs take care xx

Simpson and Simsi1 week, 5 days ago

Garden is set - had to re plant Forest Sunlight

Cath and Belaine1 week, 6 days ago

Hi John  hope you are pacing yourself and taking care. Hope your leg is healing now.
Did you get into town as you planned ? Hope that you are able to stay in touch with your veteran friends I know you said you hadn't been able to meet up together.
I met up.with my friend in Thurs for lunch we went the local pub just  had a lime and soda and coffee 🌝  . We used to work together.
My grandson is staying over tonight he hasn't been well off school.in Friday . My daughter is working away this weekend in Redditch he usually goes with her , but he's staying here so I can look after him. He has a school concert on Monday and a class trip to the ice cream farm so wants to be well for it .
Everything crossed for the match on Sunday John
Will be watching !
Take care my friend sending love from us all xx

Cath and Belaine2 weeks, 4 days ago

Hi John it brightened up here yesterday afternoon So I was out in the real garden sorting out a weedy area  was tired after  but it looks better now. It's a nice morning dry and bright so I'm going to paint the  front fence it really needs it !
Trying to.make the most of it being dry as rain forecast for most of the week.
I hope that you feel better soon. Take some time for you  Play your music and listen to your favourite country songs x sending love and hugs from us all xx

Cath and Belaine2 weeks, 5 days ago

Hope you're feeling better John sending love x

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