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Lisa and Ꮺℳerlina ౿ʚĭɞ2 years, 8 months ago

ALICE IN FAIRYLAND - temporary Guide -
please forgive any grammar horrors or typos, English is not my first language. I tried my best to make things clear while waiting for a more experienced Guide and the last(?) level of Alice to be released. Hope this helps, in the meanwhile :)


---- PLANTS ----
Talking Tiger-Lily is the plants living in Alice in Fairyland, they will turn into cards when ready to harvest.

A Talking Tiger-Lily seed is dropped by every 5th (and multiples of 5) Card Gardener spotted in another garden.

When a seed is dropped, it is planted, in your garden, in an empty Teaset pot (see more info in the POTS section)

Every Tiger Lily will tell you, immediately, in their name, the number and suit or the card it will fruit into.

Tiger Lilies take 24 hours to be Fully Grown, then 24 hours more to be Ready For Harvest (changes into a card)  (12 hours in total, if fully dusted, optional).

When Fully Grown it doesn't attract anything but it gives the option "Talk to the Tiger Lily"  which, if clicked, will give a quote in Alice in Wonderland's style, which changes daily :D

When READY FOR HARVEST, it will fruit into a CARD.
Alone, one card does not attract anything. Two cards, neither.
THREE Ready for Harvest Tiger Lilies (cards) will attract Alice's characters.
More than 3 cards will stop attracting Alice's characters, with the exception of the Card Gardener who will still eat Alice food, regardless (see more info in characters section)
Tiger Lilies and Cards can be stored in the Greenhouse, if available, to allow a quick card swap when needed.

Lisa and Ꮺℳerlina ౿ʚĭɞ2 years, 8 months ago

---- CARDS ---
There are 4 SUITS of cards:

- Diamond (blue)
- Clubs (green)
- Hearts (red)
- Spades (black)*

*(I suppose, Mike wrote in a post some time ago the remaining suits would be traditional, so I assume black Spades next)

The number of the cards are:
Ace(1) - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - Jack - Queen - King.
The ACE is the LOWEST card.
The KING is the HIGHEST card.

When 3 cards are present in a garden, they will start attracting Alice's Helpers and Alice's quests characters.
Of 3 cards, one will be in the LEFTmost position, one in the MIDDLE, the last one in the RIGHTmost position.

Each position will attract a different character from the Alice levels IF the NUMBER of the card is CORRECT.
This means the aim is to figure out which value (number) of the card is the correct one. To do so, each position has a couple of Helpers dedicated to giving hints about the value of the current card.

left card: The White Rabbit (low) / Dinah (high)
middle card: Bread and Butterfly (low) / Rocking Horse Fly (high)
right card: Tweedledum (low) / Tweedledee (high)

When one Alice's Helper is spotted it will tell whether the card value is too low or too high in regards to the "correct" one needed for a special character. (see more in the CHARACTERS section)

The value of a card can be changed (either one step higher or one step lower) by dusting it. ONE TIME only for each card.

The cards can be swapped and shuffled around in the garden, following the hints given by the helpers, with the aim to find the correct cards.

Each position works independently, it doesn't matter the value (nor Suit) or position of the other cards. The Suits can be mixed as long as 3 cards are in the garden. The helpers will give hints about the respective suit's character, then it will be the food out determining if the special character can visit when the card value is right.

Every time a special character is spotted, the value of the card required to attract them will change. The change is random, there is a chance the same card will attract the same character again. When the value changes, corresponding Helpers will visit to give further hints about the next card required, and so on.

---- POTS ----
The pots needed are all the pots belonging to a Teaset and grouped under the Teaset tab in storage.

They can be:
- the regular Tea Cup (found in-store under the regular pots)
- full Tea-sets including Sugar Bowl, Teapot, Tea Cup, Milk Jug
*There is a  White and Gold set that can be bought in the Pot Shoppe, under the Misc tab.
*Special sets have been made available during past years as a reward for seasonal calendars and such, they can be used as well.

Single pots from every set can be used, any pot can be repeated and mixed, it doesn't have to be a complete set.

Lisa and Ꮺℳerlina ౿ʚĭɞ2 years, 8 months ago

---- FOOD ----
Alice's quests food can be purchased by clicking an empty feeding table and then the Alice tab, in the food store.
Different kinds of food become available when each level of Alice's quest is unlocked (by attracting 10 and spotting 3 characters from the previous quest).

COMFITS is eaten by:
- Alice's helpers (Card Gardener - The White Rabbit / Dinah - Bread and Butterfly / Rocking Horse Fly - Tweedledum / Tweedledee)
- A CAUCUS RACE's characters (The Dodo - The Lory - The Mouse)

AFTERNOON TEA is eaten by:
- Alice's helpers (Card Gardener - The White Rabbit / Dinah - Bread and Butterfly / Rocking Horse Fly - Tweedledum / Tweedledee)
(The Mad Hatter - The March Hare - The Dormouse)

TARTS is eaten by:
- Alice's helpers (Card Gardener - The White Rabbit / Dinah - Bread and Butterfly / Rocking Horse Fly - Tweedledum / Tweedledee)
- TEH QUEEN OF HEARTS' characters
(The Knave of Hearts - The Queen of Hearts - The King of Hearts)

? is eaten by:
- Alice's helpers (Card Gardener - The White Rabbit / Dinah - Bread and Butterfly / Rocking Horse Fly - Tweedledum / Tweedledee)
- CURIOUS CREATURES's characters (? - ? - ?)

---- CHARACTERS ----

These characters are the basic characters that will visit your garden during the Alice quests.
They eat EVERY kind of Alice's food.

-- Card Gardener --
He doesn't require a set number of cards, he doesn't need a tiger lily nor a single card, just Alice's food is enough to have him visit.
He will feed on every kind of Alice's food.
He can be PARTIALLY deterred by a Fully Grown SuperShroom.

Every 5th spotted in another garden will drop a card (Talking Tiger Lily seed) in an empty Teaset pot in your garden.
IMPORTANT: The TYPE OF FOOD the 5th Gardener has FED on when spotted, will determine the SUIT (Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, Spades) of the card dropped. The value (number) of the card is totally random.

N.B.: When looking for a particular suit, it is important to pay attention to the food the 5th card gardener might eat. The "not dropping card" gardeners (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) can be spotted on any kind of food, they will still count towards the 5th, but the 5th one should be spotted on the food corresponding to the suit of card desired.

-- "Card Position" Helpers --
They NEED exactly 3 CARDS (same or mixed suit doesn't matter as long as there are 3) to visit.
They eat every kind of Alice's food.
They come in sets of two, each pair dedicated to a position of the cards in the garden.
They give hints regarding the "correct" value of a card needed to attract the characters from Alice's quests (A Caucus Race; The Mad Hatter's Tea Party; The Queen of Hearts; Curious Creatures)

- The White Rabbit / Dinah:
They are the helpers in charge of the card in the LEFTMOST position in your garden.
If THE WHITE RABBIT visits, it means the LEFT card is too LOW.
If DINAH visits, it means the LEFT card value is too HIGH

- Bread and Butterfly / Rocking Horse Fly:
They are the helpers in charge of the card in the MIDDLE position in your garden.
If BREAD AND BUTTERFLY visits, it means the MIDDLE card is too LOW.
If ROCKING HORSE FLY visits, it means the MIDDLE card value is too HIGH

- Tweedledum / Tweedledee:
They are the helpers in charge of the card in the RIGHTMOST position in your garden.
If TWEEDLEDUM visits, it means the RIGHT(position) card is too LOW.
If TWEEDLEDEE visits, it means the RIGHT(position) card value is too HIGH

Lisa and Ꮺℳerlina ౿ʚĭɞ2 years, 8 months ago

---- A CAUCUS RACE's characters:
This set comes unlocked.
They feed on COMFITS.
They require DIAMONDS (blue) suit cards. (nb: not all cards have to be diamonds, different suits can fill the spots of the 3 cards required, but the diamonds one/s will be the one/s attracting the Caucus character/s of its/their corresponding position)
Every time one of them is spotted in your garden, the value of the card required will change. There's a chance for it to be the same value. If changed, the corresponding helpers will visit instead, giving hits for the next card value.

-The DODO will visit when the LEFTmost, DIAMONDS card is the CORRECT value.

-The LORY will visit when the MIDDLE, DIAMONDS card is the CORRECT value.

-The MOUSE will visit when the RIGHTmost, DIAMONDS card is the CORRECT value.

---- THE MAD HATTER'S TEA PARTY's characters:
To UNLOCK this set you need to ATTRACT 10 (of each) and SPOT 3 (of each) character from A Caucus Race quest.
They feed on AFTERNOON TEA.
They require CLUBS (green) suit cards. (nb: not all cards have to be clubs, different suits can fill the spots of the 3 cards required, but the clubs one/s will be the one/s attracting the Mad Hatter's Party character/s of its/their corresponding position).
Every time one of them is spotted in your garden, the value of the card required will change. There's a chance for it to be the same value. If changed, the corresponding helpers will visit instead, giving hits for the next card value.

-The MAD HATTER will visit when the LEFTmost, CLUBS card is the CORRECT value.

-The MARCH HARE will visit when the MIDDLE, CLUBS card is the CORRECT value.

-The DORMOUSE will visit when the RIGHTmost, CLUBS card is the CORRECT value.

---- THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' characters:
To UNLOCK this set you need to ATTRACT 10 (of each) and SPOT 3 (of each) character from The Mad Hatter's Tea Party quest.
They feed on TARTS.
They require HEARTS (red) suit cards. (nb: not all cards have to be hearts, different suits can fill the spots of the 3 cards required, but the hearts one/s will be the one/s attracting the Queen of Hearts' character/s of its/their corresponding position).
Every time one of them is spotted in your garden, the value of the card required will change. There's a chance for it to be the same value. If changed, the corresponding helpers will visit instead, giving hits for the next card value.

-The KNAVE of Hearts will visit when the LEFTmost, HEARTS card is the CORRECT value.

-The QUEEN of Hearts will visit when the MIDDLE, HEARTS card is the CORRECT value.

-The KING of Hearts will visit when the RIGHTmost, HEARTS card is the CORRECT value.

---- CURIOUS CREATURES' characters:

To UNLOCK this set you need to ATTRACT 10 (of each) and SPOT 3 (of each) character from The Queen of Hearts quest.
They feed on ?.
They require SPADES (black) suit cards. (nb: not all cards have to be spades, different suits can fill the spots of the 3 cards required, but the spades one/s will be the one/s attracting the Curious Creatures' character/s of its/their corresponding position).
Every time one of them is spotted in your garden, the value of the card required will change. There's a chance for it to be the same value. If changed, the corresponding helpers will visit instead, giving hits for the next card value.

The ? will visit when the LEFTmost, SPADES card is the CORRECT value.

The ? will visit when the MIDDLE, SPADES card is the CORRECT value.

The ? will visit when the RIGHTmost, SPADES card is the CORRECT value.

That's it so far...
have some cake, a cup of tea and enjoy your journey :)
~  Ꭵʈ's Aɭωays Ƭɛa Ʈ¡ɱ℮  ~

Lisa and Ꮺℳerlina ౿ʚĭɞ2 years, 8 months ago

.....::::: QUICK set up / "get started" tutorial ::::....

- Put out COMFITS food on any table (high or low doesn't matter)
This will attract only Card Gardeners to your gardener, until you have 3 cards ready, it still helps other fairies who are looking for them.

- Have 3 empty "Teaset" pots in your garden, ready.

- Go hunt for Card Gardeners in other gardens.
IMPORTANT: pay attention when you approach the 5th you are about to spot, make sure you spot your 5th on a garden with COMFITS so he will drop a DIAMONDS (blue) card (Talking Tiger Lily seed)

- Collected 3 Talking Tiger Lilies in your garden, dust them (optional), and wait for them to fruit into a CARD (takes 12 hours if fully dusted)

- When you have THREE cards ready, helpers will start to visit your garden. Your aim is to figure out the correct card for each position that will attract the CAUCUS Race characters.

How it works:
For the LEFTMOST card, you may get the visit from:
-The White Rabbit - it means the card's number is too LOW, you need a higher number...
-Dinah - it means the card's number is too HIGH, you need a lower number...
-THE DODO - it means the card is Correct! Congrats!
For the MIDDLE card, you may get the visit from:
-Bread and Butterfly - it means the card's number is too LOW, you need a higher number...
-Rocking Horse Fly - it means the card's number is too HIGH, you need a lower number...
-THE LORY - it means the card is Correct! Congrats!
For the RIGHTMOST card, you may get the visit from:
-Tweedledum - it means the card's number is too LOW, you need a higher number...
-Tweedledee - it means the card's number is too HIGH, you need a lower number...
-THE MOUSE - it means the card is Correct! Congrats!

- Take notes of the hints given by the Helpers and change, swap, shuffle the cards, accordingly.

The possible cards are as follow:
Ace(1) - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - Jack - Queen - King
The ACE is the LOWEST card.
The KING is the HIGHEST card.
Each card can be dusted ONCE either to the next higher value or the next lower value.

- When stuck on cards that are all wrong, just place a new empty Tea-set pot and hunt for a new card, dust it and wait till ready for harvest then REMEMBER to harvest one of the old ones (or store it in the greenhouse) as you need exactly 3 cards in your garden or you will get Card Gardeners only!

- Every time a Caucus Race character has been spotted, the card required will change (it could happen to be the same and that character will visit again, or, if changed, a corresponding helper will visit next, with a new hint, and so on and on...)

- Proceed to attract 10 of Each Caucus Race character to your garden and spot 3 of each in other gardens to unlock the next Alice level (The Mad Hatter's Tea Party)

- Repeat the above with the Mad Hatter's Tea Party's characters as aim and focus to Clubs (green) cards and Afternoon Tea food when hunting Card Gardeners.

Forgot to add this:
The Card Gardener will drop:
DIAMONDS cards when feeding on COMFITS
CLUBS cards when feeding on AFTERNOON TEA
HARTS cards when feeding on TARTS
SPADES cards when feeding on ?

Have fun :)

Claudia and Loki2 years, 8 months ago

is there any way to predict/influence the value of the card the card gardener brings?

Tracey and Cobweb2 years, 8 months ago

No.  The card you get is random.

Lori and Lori & The Parrot - MargaritaVille, TX2 years, 8 months ago

Wow, you put a lot of work into this. Thank you!

Caroline and Crollie 2 years, 8 months ago

thanks very much for a clear explanation of this challenge!

Valerie and VALF*LEG VII2 years, 8 months ago

can you have 3 cards of same suit of which one card is a repeat number
for example 7,10,7
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