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Update from Mike (Fairyland Developer)
Board:Feedback / Suggestions Box
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Mike and Bug3 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for all the feedback so far!

I appreciate these changes are quite big, and alter the game in a number of ways, so will take some time getting used to. As I mentioned in the News post, the important thing is to view the changes as a whole, rather than just focusing on the things that were removed. The changes were designed as a whole, and I was super careful to ensure that anything removed was more than adequately compensated by the things added, in terms of gold / free play - I tried to do everything with a strong sense of fairness. I do appreciate there is a sense of sentimental loss for some of the features though, which can be strong!

One of my aims to ensure the long-term viability of the game is to make sure it's not too difficult for new players to get into. These changes are one part of that. There's enough to get to grips with in the game without struggling to figure out how to find snails on wilting plants etc. (I'll also be making other improvements for new players such as better tutorials/help, but those changes will be invisible to existing players.)

Constructive feedback is more than welcome as always, but I want to leave the changes as they are for a few weeks to see how everyone adjusts. I'm open to adjusting things if & when I see it makes sense to do so.

Anyway, you'll probably be happy to hear that these "structural" changes (the blocking changes previously, and now these gold changes) are pretty much done for now, which means I can return to creating the usual new releases in the game. To give you a teaser, I'm planning a little something extra for Easter this year, followed by a big release sometime in the Summer, which I'm super excited about :)
Post by Fairyland Developer

Gillian and Minnie Moo The Angel Cat Fairy 3 years, 2 months ago

Oh roll on Easter! I love the FL special occasions. I am sure we will all adjust to the new changes.  I have made many friends thanks to this wonderful game. Thanks Mike.

Ange and ™♥♥Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious♥♥3 years, 2 months ago

Lovely to hear theres something extra coming for Easter cant wait x

Jenny and Totoro 3 years, 2 months ago

🐌Bring Back The Snails!🐌

Pam and Crossbow3 years, 2 months ago

Oh lovely new things so soon ! Thanks Mike !

Christine and Oliver ( NDMP ) UK 3 years, 2 months ago

Please bring back the snail race game, took me ages to earn that game and now you have removed it !!!!

Gary and Nocturna3 years, 2 months ago

Standing outside in the cold with Jenny and Chris with a huge poster "SNAILS HAVE RIGHTS"

Arlene and //(*_*)\\ And ƓƝЄƊ The ƓƝƠɱЄ3 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Mike!   Looking forward to releases!

Ruth and Begonia3 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for outlining the thought process Mike.
It will take a bit of getting used to and of course we've all got an immediate reaction - always happens with change.

I think the snail game is the most missed.
Can you update the food timings on the Help page please? I'm assuming they have changed?
Will this mean that Organic food becomes only available regularly if you buy gold?

Ayleyaell and Namasfaé FFU3 years, 2 months ago

First of all, thank you Mike for all of the thought that went in to making Fairyland a fair place for everyone! I am also glad to hear that you'll be reconsidering after you see how the new regulations are working. Having said that please please please keep the snail races!
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