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Flowering Pointsettia

Meranda and Seawater Splashes4 years, 1 month ago

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Maria Luisa and Ithil4 years, 1 month ago

better to give up on that pot: the only only chance to find a flowering poisettia so late is that someone frozen the garden since christmas and now they come back

Rachel and کթaɾƙɭεs4 years, 1 month ago

There are also people who store poinsettias in their greenhouses specifically to help others with calendar pots throughout the year.  Don't give up!  Just check through the ads for the wildlife and you may even get someone who sees this post and writes on your back wall about having one out.  Stay frozen for a while if you need to; but, if you want the pot, I'd try waiting it out to get it. :)

 and 420 Fiona4 years, 1 month ago

Definitely don’t give up! I spotted a robin and two cardinals today!

Shelly and Farquarth Beanbaggins (Brighton-Hove, Actually)4 years, 1 month ago

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Shelly and Farquarth Beanbaggins (Brighton-Hove, Actually)4 years, 1 month ago

I didn't get to finish my post...

I was a late bloomer on the advent calendar.  You've totally got this!! I did not finish until almost end of March last time I did it and I finished! I third the motion to not give up if you really like the pot, freeze until you've found a garden able to assist you.  Best wishes. I hope you find it. 🌈
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