Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)9 hours, 7 minutes ago
Think we will go agin at that time..Was thinking Spring Break, but all the hotels and air lines jack up the prices and makes it too expencive to travel.. As long as Eryn is all set for her new semester we are free to go.. Sorry to hear Junes' home is still on lockdown, but then you do not want what they have to give you..!!! Tea can wait for another week..Am sure it will have galloped through by then..!! Hope the weather clears up a bit for you guys..XXX Will check and see if there is anything I can dofrom this end.. Really that is why I send those really crazy shaped packages.. I try not to make them flat so they have to deal with them quicker..LOL..LOL..LOL... Hope you have a lovely day..!! Loads of Love and Hugs..XXXX