
Nyx is waiting on warmer weather
[Last updated 23 days ago]
TypeDragon Fairy
Born OnDecember 25th (age: 14 years, 1 month)
Human's NamePatricia
GardenNyx's Firefly Trail Dreamland
Sprinkle Gold 


Sym and Oreo2 days, 15 hours ago

Hi Patricia, hope everything‘s going OK your way

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

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کþяiղƙɭєd ه ┊ ☂️

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago


Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

Wai & Tink

The procedure for each round are the same :-

1...Plant the correct myth for the round and have the p/weed planted

2....FG p/weed and have all corals colour in.

3... When all corals coloured in, remove the p/weed,  high super berries out to attract adult frog to lay spawn, make sure to have low empty plate out

4...Once you have the spawn, put in the DS.

5....When you got 10 of whatever you are attracting, remove the DS and continue to attract whatever comes to the spawn. At this point if you still have high berries, then attract the adult frog until you are one away from spawn, it is every 5th adult frog that lay spawn.

6....When all spawn are gone then you can start to prepare for you next round.

7...Each new round will need all the corals from the previous round which you have just finished plus the new coral.

I hope this will help you and, you and Patricia can work together.

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

Cattus Peloflorus FG deters sugar glider

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago


2 x Fully Grown Bamboo Plants
2 x Fully Grown Aureus Primus
2 x Fully Grown Fructus Odonata
2 x High Tables of Bamboo Food

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

The Note which attracts the Nightingale changes every day.
Mon - A (Red), Tues - C (Yellow), Weds - E (Blue), Thurs - G (Violet), Fri - B (Orange), Sat - D (Green), Sun - F (Indigo)

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

Patricia and Nyx 3 days, 17 hours ago

Giant panda

To grow the Bamboo, you'll first need a Bamboo Pot from the Misc section of the Pot Shoppe.

Then to attract the Giant Panda, you'll also need to get some Bamboo for your feeding table (instructions for how to do this can be found after your Bamboo is fully grown.)

Finally, the Giant Panda is of course Endangered, which means it will only visit Gardens extremely rarely and unpredictably, even with the best setup (but they are worth a lot of Diamonds when they do visit, and multiple Fully Grown Bamboo plants will help attract them more frequently of course.)

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Quests Completed
Nyx is Quest Level V, and has completed these Quests:
Level V Quests
(5 of 23 Quests Completed)
On The Farm (Level V)
Not yet completed
Unicorns (Level V)
Not yet completed
The Bear Necessities (Level V)
Not yet completed
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level V)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 20 minutes
I Believe I Can Fly (Level V)
Not yet completed
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level V)
Not yet completed
Here Be Dragons (Level V)
Not yet completed
Black & White (Level V)
Best spotting time:
5 days, 21 hours
Rainforest Run (Level V)
Not yet completed
The Land Downunder (Level V)
Not yet completed
Hummingbird Happiness (Level V)
Not yet completed
Fairy Nuff (Level V)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level V)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level V)
Not yet completed
Almost Human (Level V)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level V)
Not yet completed
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level V)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level V)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level V)
Best spotting time:
21 minutes, 28 seconds
Spooky Sprinkling (Level V)
Best spotting time:
29 minutes, 58 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level V)
Best spotting time:
14 minutes, 41 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level V)
Not yet completed
Fun In The Sun (Level V)
Not yet completed

Level IV Quests
(4 of 21 Quests Completed)
Baby Be Mine (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 9 minutes
Flying The Nest (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Happy Families (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
2 days
Endangered (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Mouse Hunter (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
7 minutes, 26 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Black & White (Level IV)
Not yet completed
On Safari (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Gone Fishing (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level IV)
Not yet completed
This Is Nuts! (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Space Invaders (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level IV)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 12 minutes
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Luck Of The Irish (Level IV)
Not yet completed

Level III Quests
(6 of 25 Quests Completed)
Rainforest Run (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Land Downunder (Level III)
Not yet completed
Hummingbird Happiness (Level III)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level III)
Not yet completed
Fairy Nuff (Level III)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level III)
Not yet completed
I Believe I Can Fly (Level III)
Not yet completed
Almost Human (Level III)
Not yet completed
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level III)
Not yet completed
Watch The Birdie (Level III)
Best spotting time:
25 minutes, 45 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level III)
Not yet completed
Tall Birds (Level III)
Not yet completed
Wrigglies (Level III)
Not yet completed
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level III)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 1 second
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level III)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level III)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level III)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level III)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level III)
Not yet completed
Spooky Sprinkling (Level III)
Best spotting time:
20 minutes, 23 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level III)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 13 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level III)
Best spotting time:
10 minutes, 31 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level III)
Not yet completed
Fun In The Sun (Level III)
Best spotting time:
40 minutes, 30 seconds

Level II Quests
(18 of 20 Quests Completed)
Black & White (Level II)
Best spotting time:
13 minutes, 53 seconds
On Safari (Level II)
Best spotting time:
42 minutes, 27 seconds
Tall Birds (Level II)
Best spotting time:
6 hours, 22 minutes
Gone Fishing (Level II)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level II)
Best spotting time:
7 minutes, 32 seconds
This Is Nuts! (Level II)
Best spotting time:
21 minutes, 6 seconds
Space Invaders (Level II)
Best spotting time:
12 hours, 17 minutes
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 41 minutes
Giants (Level II)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level II)
Best spotting time:
10 hours, 30 minutes
Mouse Hunter (Level II)
Best spotting time:
53 minutes, 7 seconds
Bunny Business (Level II)
Best spotting time:
9 minutes, 48 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level II)
Best spotting time:
3 hours, 4 minutes
Reach For The Stars (Level II)
Best spotting time:
7 minutes, 29 seconds
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level II)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 3 minutes
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level II)
Best spotting time:
17 hours, 49 minutes
Random Assortment (Level II)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 35 minutes
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level II)
Best spotting time:
3 minutes, 35 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level II)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 17 minutes
Luck Of The Irish (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 21 minutes

Level I Quests
(19 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
16 minutes
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 17 minutes
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 6 minutes
Bunny Business (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 11 minutes
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
49 minutes, 22 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 38 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Best spotting time:
51 seconds
Wrigglies (Level I)
Best spotting time:
14 minutes, 13 seconds
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
Best spotting time:
59 minutes, 13 seconds
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 minute, 1 second
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 59 seconds
Random Assortment (Level I)
Best spotting time:
10 hours, 2 minutes
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 minutes, 46 seconds
Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 47 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level I)
Best spotting time:
9 minutes, 59 seconds
Be My Valentine (Level I)
Best spotting time:
19 minutes, 42 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
Best spotting time:
11 minutes, 52 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Best spotting time:
23 minutes, 4 seconds
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Best spotting time:
56 minutes, 44 seconds

Total Earnings: 8907 Scrolls

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