
Tooey is fluttering with the Schmetterling, playing amongst the pumpkins....
[Last updated 367 days ago]
Born OnFebruary 13th (age: 16 years)
Human's NameJane
GardenPumpkin Paradise (Australia) (FFU)
Sprinkle Gold 


Leslie and Kelsey5 hours, 45 minutes ago

Hopefully the parcel will be arriving soon, they said it would take about a month, mailed January 6th…so timing could be close. Xo

Monce and Catarina ✨️1 month, 1 week ago

Thank you Ma'am

Jamie and Fairlynn,Freedom Fairy And Duck Canuck 1 month, 1 week ago

You're very welcome and honestly! I was SO  surprised! I didn't think I would ever spot someone's first or even  one of them. 🙂

Jamie and Fairlynn,Freedom Fairy And Duck Canuck 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Hi Jane! It's hard buying for someone, one doesn't know.  I hope I picked well.

Leslie and Kelsey2 months ago

I’ll keep checking….I have to find a festive field mouse today so I have found, arctic fox, polar bear a ton of festive white….it’s like they tweak it so you can’t find the critter you require.  LOL ….Canada Post is still on strike, so not sure when I can mail out….going on a month now… 😢

Janet and Bluebetty And Gnotta Gnome8 months, 1 week ago

We live in a suburb of Vancouver!  Our little family is now waiting to board their flight for Melbourne. I'm so glad they are almost home and I'm sure they are too!

Steve and Freddie10 months ago

Invest in a metal detector .

Steve and Freddie10 months ago

A 4 x 4 and tracky bikes are whats needed in the out back.  But a Tesla. lol

Steve and Freddie10 months ago

Thatl teach you to buy an electric car heheee :)) Sorry .... :(

Steve and Freddie10 months ago

Sounds as tho you are living my actual dream life ...out in the middle of no where , living with nature and fresh air . Best way id say . Well I wish you all the very best of British luck and keep at it Jane. The wildlife will thank you . xx

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Quests Completed
Tooey is Quest Level IV, and has completed these Quests:
Level IV Quests
(3 of 21 Quests Completed)
Baby Be Mine (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Flying The Nest (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Happy Families (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Endangered (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Mouse Hunter (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Reach For The Stars (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Black & White (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
2 weeks, 6 days
On Safari (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Gone Fishing (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level IV)
Not yet completed
This Is Nuts! (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Space Invaders (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level IV)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
30 minutes, 22 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
3 days, 22 hours
Luck Of The Irish (Level IV)
Not yet completed

Level III Quests
(9 of 25 Quests Completed)
Rainforest Run (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 minute, 1 second
The Land Downunder (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 week, 3 days
Hummingbird Happiness (Level III)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level III)
Not yet completed
Fairy Nuff (Level III)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level III)
Not yet completed
I Believe I Can Fly (Level III)
Not yet completed
Almost Human (Level III)
Not yet completed
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level III)
Not yet completed
Watch The Birdie (Level III)
Best spotting time:
10 minutes, 9 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level III)
Not yet completed
Tall Birds (Level III)
Not yet completed
Wrigglies (Level III)
Not yet completed
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level III)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level III)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level III)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level III)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level III)
Best spotting time:
2 days
Spooky Sprinkling (Level III)
Best spotting time:
3 minutes, 59 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 minute, 52 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level III)
Best spotting time:
4 hours, 29 minutes
Luck Of The Irish (Level III)
Best spotting time:
19 minutes, 14 seconds
Fun In The Sun (Level III)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 29 seconds

Level II Quests
(13 of 20 Quests Completed)
Black & White (Level II)
Best spotting time:
4 hours, 19 minutes
On Safari (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 weeks
Tall Birds (Level II)
Not yet completed
Gone Fishing (Level II)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level II)
Not yet completed
This Is Nuts! (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 weeks, 1 day
Space Invaders (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 3 hours
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level II)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level II)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level II)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 14 seconds
Mouse Hunter (Level II)
Best spotting time:
31 minutes, 55 seconds
Bunny Business (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 8 hours
Here Be Dragons (Level II)
Best spotting time:
15 hours, 31 minutes
Reach For The Stars (Level II)
Best spotting time:
15 minutes, 46 seconds
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level II)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level II)
Best spotting time:
6 days, 16 hours
Random Assortment (Level II)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level II)
Best spotting time:
24 minutes, 2 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level II)
Best spotting time:
9 minutes, 8 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level II)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 6 seconds

Level I Quests
(19 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 minutes, 45 seconds
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
23 minutes, 34 seconds
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 32 seconds
Bunny Business (Level I)
Best spotting time:
31 minutes, 32 seconds
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
12 minutes, 20 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Best spotting time:
16 minutes, 30 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 20 seconds
Wrigglies (Level I)
Best spotting time:
46 seconds
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
Best spotting time:
26 minutes, 25 seconds
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
Best spotting time:
13 minutes, 26 seconds
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
Best spotting time:
10 minutes, 34 seconds
Random Assortment (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 hours, 50 minutes
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
Best spotting time:
18 minutes, 13 seconds
Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 minute, 17 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 minutes, 7 seconds
Be My Valentine (Level I)
Best spotting time:
30 minutes, 47 seconds
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
Best spotting time:
7 minutes, 44 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 9 seconds
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Best spotting time:
8 minutes, 35 seconds

Total Earnings: 2783 Scrolls
Pottery Lottery Quests
September 2024

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