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Garden Owners
Lisa and the Grompet (Canada)
the Grompet (Canada) One day Lisa stopped to rest in the forest. She met a tiny, furry grompet! ‘What are you?’ asked Lisa. ‘A grompet. A grompet. A grompet!’ yelled the grompet.
About This Garden
'You sat on my front yard and squashed it. The least you could do is ask me my life’s story!', said grompet. He told Lisa how sad he was that no one loved him enough to tell him what to do. Lisa took him home to order him around, and he was happy.

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level V (5212 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Aurora watered the Honey Blossom
(1 hour, 6 minutes ago)
Sparkley spotted a Field Mouse here, earning 1 Diamond!
(1 hour, 28 minutes ago)
Sparkley watered the Pumpkin
(1 hour, 28 minutes ago)
Fangus watered the Honey Blossom
(2 hours, 9 minutes ago)
Fangus spotted a Field Mouse here, earning 1 Diamond!
(2 hours, 9 minutes ago)
Fangus watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(2 hours, 9 minutes ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 11 months

Report This Garden
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Easter Egg Plant  
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  Honey Blossom  
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  Veggies (Triple Regular)  
Status:7 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 day, 5 hours ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
Spotted by Sparkley after 34 minutes, 6 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 6 hours, 11 minutes ago
Spotted by Crystalmoonlynx after 5 minutes, 50 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 11 hours, 12 minutes ago
Stayed 56 minutes, 30 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 13 hours, 33 minutes ago
Stayed 56 minutes, 22 seconds but wasn't spotted
Field Mouse
Arrived 15 hours, 58 minutes ago
Stayed 58 minutes, 38 seconds but wasn't spotted
Field Mouse
Arrived 20 hours, 36 minutes ago
Stayed 55 minutes, 30 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 1 day ago
Stayed 56 minutes, 15 seconds but wasn't spotted
Field Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 2 hours ago
Stayed 59 minutes, 12 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Veggies (Triple Regular)  
Status:13 feeds remaining
Left Out:8 hours, 24 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
Spotted by Fangus after 43 minutes, 55 seconds
Reward: 1
Field Mouse
Arrived 6 hours, 7 minutes ago
Spotted by BB after 17 minutes, 24 seconds
Reward: 1
  Cricket Ball Pot  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Golf Ball Pot  
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