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How can we predict if a twin chick is coming?

Kimia and Fairy Cat1 week, 3 days ago

For example, obviously if some wildlife feeds on the food for the twin, we know it would never come.

But what if wildlife feeds on the original chick's plate--does that mean the second plate is unlikely to host a twin?

Tracey and Cobweb1 week, 3 days ago

You can only get twins if more than one plate is due at around the same time.

The two plates are independent of each other.  So if the timing is right (something shows up very quickly after the chick, on the same plate) you can still get a twin on the other plate/s.

If more than around 40 - 50 minutes passes since the first chick was spotted, and there's still nothing on the other plate, it won't be a twin.

Kimia and Fairy Cat1 week, 3 days ago

Thanks a lot! :)

Ger and ꧁✨OPAL✨꧂1 week, 2 days ago

Tracey, are twin visits different for various set ups in gardens? Only I’m doing Alice and I had twins with a critter visit between on the same plate. It was a good 2 hours between them on SF. 🤔

Tracey and Cobweb1 week, 2 days ago

There are no twins for the Alice stuff, Ger.  It will probably have been that the attracting card was the same two visits running (or you got the correct card for the second one very quickly!).

Dinos and gold wildlife don't have twins, either.

Ger and ꧁✨OPAL✨꧂1 week, 2 days ago

Oh really? It did confuse me at the time. I must have just been lucky then. Thanks Tracey xx

Cara and Leeland & Lucky The Gnome (FFU)1 week, 2 days ago

I also had something come after my alert started and was spotted once. So for instance I was doing elephant babies and I was trying to block out another plant I had in my garden and I had a llama come while the baby alert was on and I didn’t get twins. In my experience once the alert had started the other plate has always been a twin but if you are attracting other things it appears there is a possibility that even if you get an alert for the baby the other plate may not be a twin. Just something for everyone to keep in mind to try and eliminate competition if possible otherwise the twins might not come for you!
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